building bridges

making a difference through technology education

Who we are

AYIFOMATIK is a Non-Profit organization primarily composed of former university classmates of Haitian origin. We are devoted to providing financial self-reliance opportunities to Haitians in Ayiti.

Through Ayifomatik, we aim to provide training on high demand technology skills and facilitate further preparation post training through internships and or job opportunities.

AYIFOMATIK is a d/b/a of DLAU (Diaspora Loving Ayiti in Unity)


Our mission

  • what we can achieve

    To leverage technology and education to create pathways of opportunities and economic bridges of success for the youth in Ayiti.

  • why

    We strongly believe that opportunities are one way to give back hope to the youth and can move a segment of the population out of poverty

  • how do we do it

    By providing training on high demand technology skills, facilitate post training internships and by scaling the program

Our Team

David Bissainthe, AYIFOMATIC Program Director

David bissainthe

AYIFOMATIK Managing Director and DLAU Board Member

“Because we must standup and build bridges of financial opportunities and hence slowly create a prosperous Ayiti”

David is an entrepreneur and business leader. He is the founder and CEO of Analytics Intell, which has been involved in the design and delivery of business intelligence solutions.

karl-henri loiseau

AYIFOMATIK, Director and DLAU Board member

“Sharing knowledge and guiding people to information has been a driving force for me and I am a firm believer in the way Education can open doors. I am excited by the possibilities our efforts could create for young men and women in Haiti”

Karl-Henri is an HR Technology and technology education professional. He also holds degrees in Electrical Engineering with a focus on robotics and computer vision.

our partners


AnalyticsIntell is a business intelligence solution provider located in the US. They are one of our donor and charitable giving partners. Their partnership allows us to obtain subject matter experts, a virtual training platform as well as other thought leadership for the programs we are offering.

AYIFOMATIK is one of the charitable arms of DLAU (Diaspora Loving Ayiti in Unity) . new organization whose aim is to join global efforts in the development of Haiti. We intend to achieve our goal by helping young adults gain competitive skills and entrepreneurs create and scale businesses. In turn, these businesses will create employment, economic activity and products that can be consumed both locally and via export.

We strongly believe that job creation is one way to give hope to our youth in Haiti. and move a segment of the population from poverty to the middle class.

We are a non-profit organization. We have no intention to profit from our work. This effort is purely philanthropic.

L’École Supérieure d’Infotronique d’Haiti (ESIH) is our education partner in Haiti. Through ESIH we are able to access a facility and equipment to deliver the training portion of the program. We are currently delivering a 4-month training on Data Analytics to a select cohort of ESIH students.

Arus is a Data Engineering and Analytics Solution Design firm headquartered in India. Arus is one of our charitable giving partners and has been generous in providing training content and experienced trainers towards the program.

Educate and Inspire

Let's not forget our purpose of empowering people with knowledge and skills required for self reliance.